Bhupendra Jogi has been going viral for his video since November beginning. He is seen comparing Indian roads with American roads. Bhupendra claims to have a visit to America but fails to answer the city’s name he visited. His clip has become a meme. The video was uploaded a few years ago, but it is gaining popularity at the moment. Searches by Bhupendra Jogi are increasing. People are curious to know about Bhupendra Jogi’s wiki, age, wife, family, and bio. Let us explore it below.
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Bhupendra Jogi Biography, Age, City, Wiki
Bhupendra Joi was born and brought up in Jahangirabad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He built his career in his native place. Bhupendra was born in the late 90’s. He is approx 30 to 32 years old. Jogi completed his education at a local school in Bhopal. He stepped into business from an early age. His father and mother also belong to a business background. He continued with a clothing shop in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He has some local branches of his business as well. Let us have a look at some more details about the personal life of Bhupendra Jogi.
Name: Bhupendra Jogi
Age: 32 years approx
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Jahangirabad, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Birthday: no known
Year: not known
Education: local school in Bhopal
Profession: Clothing shop owner
Known for: Naam Batayie memes
Parents: Not known
Marital Status: Married
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Eye Color: Black
Networth: Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 60 Lakhs
Instagram: @bhupendrajogi
Why did Bhupendra Jogi Go Viral?
He gave an interview in 2018 where he compared American roads with Indian roads. He mentions that Indian roads are better than American roads. The reporter then asks about cities he has visited in America. He asks naam bataye, and he says, Bhupendra Jogi. This part is going viral and has become a meme. He is getting enormous fame for the video. People are using it in their videos as a meme. He met Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh as the CM watched his video getting viral. They both were seen planting trees during a tree plantation drive in Bhopal.
Bhupendra Jogi’s Tattoos, Memes
Bhupendra Jogi has tattoos on his neck and shoulder. Both are on the left side of the body. These tattoos carry some meaning in his life. However, he has not specified the meaning of these tattoos yet. We will update you as soon as we get more details about him. Stay tuned for more information and visit our website for more latest news.